Team Jesus – I ran across this article with a very generic title, “Man found dead at park”. This is here in my hometown of Knoxville, TN and I have been to this park many times with my puppy dog. It’s a popular spot for the homeless to hang out in Knoxville. Just south of downtown, lots of roofed canopy areas and picnic tables. There is a public restroom, and water fountains. A few of the basic necessities for life which are difficult for so many to find.
. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) — A man was found dead in a wheelchair at a Knoxville park Wednesday morning, according to Knoxville Police.
KPD reported that officers responded to Cal Johnson Park that morning, where a 75-year-old man had been found dead.
The man was sitting in a wheelchair under a canopy at the park, and KPD shared that the man was “evidently homeless.”
Evidently, homeless, the article says. Yeah, my poor brother in Christ was definitely homeless. Reading further into the article, we are assured that there was no foul play involved.
Investigators found no indications that foul play was involved. The man’s body was taken to the Knox County Regional Forensic Center for an autopsy.
Although police have not released what is suspected of causing the man’s death, the low temperature Wednesday morning was forecasted to have been 18 degrees. KPD added that the Medical Examiner’s Office told responding officers that the man had recently been released from the hospital.
Thank God! I feel so much better having been reassured that there is no foul play involved. I’m sure the police investigated with all of their resources. There was no foul play anywhere.
An elderly, disabled, medically unwell human being froze to death in a wheelchair at a park less than 100 yards from thousands of Knoxville residents all warm and toasty in their beds. Had been recently released from the hospital into what… oblivion? How can we say that there was no foul play involved? This poor soul is dead.
No foul play involved? You’re saying that not one single police officer, fire department worker, ambulance, city employee drove by this park and noticed a man in a wheelchair, outdoors in temperatures noone could survive in? The hospital had no responsibility to ensure they weren’t releasing this man to his death? He was 75 years old, on Medicare…. Was there no social worker or caseworker responsible? Wonder if anyone looked out the window of their home, and seeing him said to themselves, “man, I hope he doesn’t freeze to death tonight”?
The many forms of apathy and neglect that led to this mans death surely seem foul to me.
Father, in Heaven, I ask that you accept that poor man’s soul.
Source: Man found dead at Knoxville park