In this video, I get straight to the point: The church today is a mess. You know it, I know it, but nobody wants to admit it. We’ve lost sight of the mission, lost sight of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. If your church is all about making you feel good about this world, if it’s about comfort, wealth, and prosperity, you’ve missed the mark. You’ve got pastors out here preaching feel-good sermons, helping you justify your comfortable life while there’s a world out there suffering and dying.

If your church isn’t calling you to suffer with Christ, then it’s not doing its job. Jesus said in Matthew 16:24, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” That’s not a suggestion—it’s a command. And yet, week after week, people sit in cushioned pews, sing a few songs, pray some generic prayers, and think they’re doing something for God. Wake up. We’re supposed to be saving the world, not just saving ourselves.

Churches should be conspiring, not comforting. We’ve got millions of believers gathering every week, and for what? To pat themselves on the back? To listen to another sermon about how God wants to bless you with more stuff? Let me tell you something, if that’s what you’re hearing, your church has failed you. In Matthew 25:35-36, Jesus calls us to feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, welcome strangers, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and imprisoned. Is your church doing that? Or are you just being spoon-fed spiritual junk food, while the world goes to hell in a handbasket?

The Bible is clear: we’re supposed to be seeking justice, correcting oppression, and doing good works (Isaiah 1:17). But you won’t hear that preached too often because it doesn’t sell. It doesn’t build mega-churches or fill the offering plates. But I’m not here for popularity. I’m here to hold the mirror up to the church and say, “Look at yourself.” Jesus didn’t die so we could sit in air-conditioned buildings and feel good about ourselves. He died so we could be His hands and feet in this broken world, bringing justice, truth, and hope to the oppressed.

If your church isn’t doing that, if you’re just sitting on your blessings while others suffer, you’re no better than the Pharisees who Jesus condemned in Matthew 23:27 for looking righteous on the outside but being full of hypocrisy and wickedness on the inside. It’s time to wake up, church. This world is on fire, and we’re just watching it burn while singing hymns. Enough is enough. We need to get out there and save the world, or stop pretending we’re Christians.

#ChurchAudit, #TruthHurts, #JesusIsWatching, #WakeUpChurch, #FaithWithoutWorks, #ServeTheSuffering, #ConspireForChrist, #NoMoreComfort, #ActionOverWords, #LiveLikeJesus, #RighteousAction, #ChristiansGetUp, #BiblicalJustice, #StopPlayingChurch, #KingdomWork