Who are we really worshipping? 🤔 The image of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism has raised questions and controversy for centuries. Some believe the figure honored by millions as Mary is, in fact, linked to older pagan deities like Astarte, Semiramis, and even the Babylonian Queen of Heaven. This connection brings up important questions about religious symbolism and where the traditions truly stem from.

Is this a continuation of ancient goddess worship under new names? 😮 Many scholars and believers have debated whether some of the imagery associated with the Catholic Virgin shares too much in common with these ancient goddesses. From the symbols of the moon to the positioning on a throne, we see striking similarities with ancient depictions of Astarte, known as the Triple Moon Goddess.

The Bible repeatedly warns against the worship of other gods. In Jeremiah 7:18, the Lord speaks against the worship of the “queen of heaven.” Are these echoes of ancient idolatry still present in our modern practices? We must examine these things with discernment and prayer. 🙏

“For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens.”Psalm 96:5. The focus must remain on the one true God, not the confusion and blending of old traditions. Let’s be mindful of the warnings against idolatry and the need to stay true to biblical truth.

BiblicalTruth, #Idolatry, #Astarte, #QueenOfHeaven, #FalseWorship, #Catholicism, #PaganRoots, #Discernment, #Jeremiah718, #SpiritualDeception, #StayTrueToGod, #BabylonMystery, #AncientDeities, #ExamineYourFaith, #JesusIsLord