Hey everyone, it’s Jason with Christ Peer-to-Peer. This morning, I took a trip down to Nashville, Tennessee, and visited Grace Evangelistic Ministries. They’ve been in operation for 27 years, and I’ve been a financial supporter for a while now. Today, I decided to do something different—a little “church audit.” I wanted to see where my money and others’ donations are really going.

This ministry is holding a big worldwide conference, so you’d expect the place to be packed, right? Well, when I pulled up, I counted about 15 cars in the parking lot. 15 cars for a worldwide conference! I couldn’t help but wonder—what are they doing with all the money that people like you and me are sending them? It doesn’t add up.

After 27 years of ministry, shouldn’t there be more fruit? More lives changed, more people reached? Instead, they’ve got this beautiful building sitting next to the Governor’s Club in Brentwood. The land alone must have cost a fortune. But what about the people? What about the mission? Are they truly using these resources to make an impact for Christ? Or is something else going on here?

This is what we’re called to do as believers—hold each other accountable (Luke 17:3). It’s not just about giving blindly but making sure that our support is going toward building the Kingdom. 2 Corinthians 9:6 reminds us, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” I’m not seeing the harvest here. I’m seeing a lot of wasted potential.

Let’s ask ourselves—are we supporting ministries that are truly spreading the Gospel and reaching the lost? Or are we funding fancy buildings and empty promises? It’s time to take a closer look.

#ChurchAudit, #FinancialTransparency, #FaithfulGiving, #KingdomAccountability, #WhereIsTheFruit, #ChristUnscripted, #Nashville, #ChristianMinistry, #BrentwoodTN, #27Years, #TrustButVerify, #CountTheCost, #Luke173, #2Corinthians96, #StewardshipMatters