The Line

“The Line” Asking the hard questions over here: Just how far are you willing to go for Jesus? How far do you think you should go for Jesus? Brothers and Sisters in Christ, how far did Jesus go for you? He died for you, can you humble yourself for Him? He forgave you everything, can…


Brothers and sisters in Christ come on my pastor has been working on an ongoing series of biblical exposition based on the book of Revelation. It’s been going on for like two years now, with more than 70 episodes comprising dozens of hours of teaching. It’s so overwhelming. No idea what to do with the…


Diversity is not our strength. The only kind of person who tells a group of people that diversity is a strength, is a person trying to divide them and conquer them and harm them. Why is it that being diverse means we have to include a certain number of different races and different colors, I…


I’m a Church. So are you. We are all caught up in the idea that ‘Church’ is a place we go to, where professional ‘churchers’ take care of all our ‘Churching’. Or some shit like that. You all, we are the Church. Church isn’t a place… its a state of being. It’s a mindset. Its…


Safety. Okay, so you agree with all the current things, you regurgitate all the approved programming, and that makes you… safe? Nothing is safe. Life isn’t safe. Safety is a myth. I like to cuss for emphasis and thats been a stumbling block between me and my fellow Christians. Well fuck’em. The Scriptures teach that…

Creating Disciples – “How To”

Creating Disciples. What does it take to create a disciple of Jesus Christ? I mean, we have lots of professing ‘Christians’ but them aint disciples… right? Discipleship implies more than a nominal dedication… RIGHT? Anyway, one time someone helped make me into a Disciple of Christ, and heres how that happened. tl;dr? Money, you greedy…

Be a Country or STFU

Everybody gets a flag. Well, okay I guess. But why do you all need MY flag? The rainbow is the O.G. Christian symbol and if it belongs to any one group it belongs to Jesus People. Think its a coincidence that the rainbow is being used to represent deviance from Gods prescribed plan? Not a…


I hatched! Announcing to the whole world my new gender: DICK-GENDER. It feels so good to finally admit I’m a fuckin dick. I’ve always been one deep down inside. Now accept me or else! I am fucking stunning and God-damned brave and I’ll fuck you up if you disagree.


Opiate overdose is one of the leading causes of death in America and around the world… and it keeps getting worse. We look down on these folks who get caught up in the needles and the dope, but for why? Why is their sin so bad? I would submit to you, Brothers and Sisters in…

Gatekeeping Jesus

Gatekeeping Jesus. Maaaaaan, you wanna get me all fired up and pissed off? Just act like you have some special dispensation to divide who gets to be a Jesus person and who doesn’t. Fuck all that gatekeeping bullshit. Jesus didn’t gatekeep Jesus so where do you get off?


I’ve been hinting about this plan I’ve got without being too specific. I’m just gonna go be homeless and preach at greedy fucks where they live and work. American Mission – 12/1/23 to 5/1/2024. Everyone wants to go to Africa and say ‘stop being poor!’. Ima go to the ‘good part of town’ and exhort…


Apologetics: From BingAI: Christian apologetics is a branch of Christian theology that defends Christianity. It has a long history from the early church to modern times, and it covers various topics such as the Bible, God, Jesus, Trinity, salvation, and more. Christian apologetics aims to provide a rational basis for the Christian faith, to defend…

Free for Who?

So Jesus died on the cross, endured suffering and gave up His life for His friends. And because of that majestic work on Calvery we are saved, heaven bound now and forever, now matter how shitty we are Jesus was so awesome He cancelled our shitty and doesn’t mind us being shitty because after all…

Forgiveness Without Sorrow

We Christians talk about forgiveness all the damned time but what is that really? Okay, so Jesus forgives us for everything, Man I am thankful for that… but like, can I even be forgiven for something if I don’t have any sorrow for having done it, or any guilt? Is there forgiveness without repentance? I…

What is Love?

What does ‘Love’ mean? What does is it mean when I tell someone ‘I Love You’? I think ‘I Love You’ means ‘You are more important than I am’. And that my friends, is why love- when performed properly- is a motherfucker of a thing. @Jasonybird  

Owning Money Isn’t Work

Owning money isn’t work. Boy, don’t we love to throw out that one verse- “If a man won’t work he shouldn’t eat”… At poor people. Unfortunate ones. We never apply it to the laziest parasites plaguing our society since the time of Noah. Owning money isn’t work, and I’m sick of them fuckers eating everything…


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I talk alot of shit about rich people, but really I aint against them- I oppose selfish people. Not all wealthy folks are selfish, only that vast, overwhelming majority of them. By my estimation selfishness is the root of all sin. @Jasonybird