Hey everyone 👋,

Jason here from Christ peer-to-peer, and today's message is titled "Be the Person Jesus Wants to Kick It With."

It's November 2nd, 3:45 PM, and it's absolutely gorgeous out here. We might not see many more days like this, with the mercury hitting 70 degrees.

I'm feeling blessed today, not because of anything I've got in the material world, but because of my connection with God through Jesus Christ. This connection isn't just handed to us; it's something you've got to work for, like refining gold.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, you can call yourself a Christian, but what does that really mean? There's this idea out there that once you're saved, you're always saved, that it's the easiest path to God. But that's not what Jesus taught. God doesn't want you wilting away or avoiding the trials of life; He wants you to face them, to be refined by the fires of life.

If God wanted robots, He'd have made them out of rocks. Instead, He seeks friends, true companions, and that requires going through trials.

So, here's a foolproof way to get closer to God:

Stop lying. Not just the big lies, but the small ones too. Build your life on integrity.
Stop cheating. Don't just avoid being a cheater; go out of your way to let others win in small, inconsequential matters. Show love even when you're taken advantage of.
Stop stealing. This means more than not stealing physically. It's about not stealing time from your job, not stealing joy from others. It's about giving your all in every aspect of life.

The lie is pervasive in our churches today. They tell you God wants you rich, comfortable, and happy without any effort. But the truth is, your faith is just the starting line of a marathon. You've got to run the race, against not just other Christians but against an evil world trying to pull you off course.

Love and like are different. God loves everyone, but He doesn't necessarily like what we do. Sometimes, love means being tough, like disciplining a beloved pet to teach it right from wrong.

Once you've mastered honesty, integrity, and generosity, don't sit back. Keep pushing forward. Do "Jesus stuff." Make yourself someone God would point out in heaven and say, "That's the dude right there!"

My brothers and sisters, strive to impress God. Don't just have a relationship with Him; strive to be the person He'd want to hang out with. Let's push each other to be the best versions of ourselves, not for our glory, but for His.

Peace and blessings,
Jason (Jasonybird) 🐦